The start was given in four waves with elites starting first, followed by a second wave of age group riders below 40, then 40-50 and a last one for riders above 50, always with men and women combined. The last three starts rode for qualification for the World Championships in their respective age group and gender.
In the elite race, local Romet Pajur won the sprint of a break of 10, while Norwegian Malin Eriksen won the female elite race.
In the waves seeking qualification for Worlds, Latvian Janis Rubiks (M19-34) made a solo break to win 5 minutes ahead of his compatriot Girts Gevers who started in a later wave to win his M45-49 age group. Finnish Johan Nordlund (M40-44) got overall third.
First female in the qualifying age groups was Mari Kruuser (F19-34) who beated Kerttu Liis Laane and European champion Kristi Kuldepp in a sprint for an overall Estonian podium.
The cycling weekend in Estonia also had shorter 27 and 60km rides with a total of 2700 riders pre-registered.