Grey County Road Race with happy faces

The new road race courses from the Grey County Road Race with less elevation and a good mixture between a challenging and fair course but still enjoyable for those who don't race on a regular basis have been tested and approved by all participants.

The Time Trial took place on the same course as last year with 82 participants. Overall best time on the 33km course was for David Gazsi beating his compatriots Chris Schindler and Sjaan Gerth with respectively 7 and 25 seconds for an average speed of 43.2 km/h. Fastest female against time was Paolina Allan in an average speed of 36.9km/h beating Brooke Noble and Suzie Brown.

The road races on Sunday received 241 riders at the start for either 110km (women and men over 50) or 150km (men under 50). Larbi Benhabib outsprinted Stephen Hunt and Bruce Bird for the overall victory on the long distance while Ron Amos was faster than Benoit Nayet and Miguel Sanchez to take the 110km win in the males’ age groups.

Fastest female in the road race was Esta Bovill who beated Jodi Wendland in the sprint while Stephanie Martinek completed the female podium.

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