Stankevicius and Ragazinskiene take the age group wins for Lithuania


The 42nd edition of the Tartu Rattaralli granfondo race, part of the UCI Gran Fondo World Series since last season was again a big success with 3000 riders from 23 different countries taking part in the 27, 60 or 128km distance, the last one as qualifier for the UCI Gran Fondo World Championships.

The race started with an elite category in front, followed by three start waves for age groups with riders below 40, between 40 and 50 and over 50 starting with small intervals.

In the elite race, it was Norman Vahtra (EST) winning with a small margin to a big peloton. In the age groups qualifying for the world championships, Evaldas Stankevicius (LTU) outsprinted Johan Nordlund (FIN) in a sprint with 2 to score the fastest time of the day in fastest M40-44 category. Martynas Jocys (LTU) got overall third in the same age group.

The overall female win was for Matilda Frantzich (SWE) in the elite category. The win in the age groups was for Daiva Ragazinskiene (LTU) who had a 5 min margin to a group with Birgit Tito (EST) taking second spot before her compatriot Carol Kuuskman (EST).


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