The 120km flat road race in Sunday was won by Ukrainian rider Taras Dubynets in a time of 2h48 for an overall speed of 42.7km/h. He won before Adrian Jach and Ivo Vilumovs from Latvia in a sprint of 12 riders. Polish Agnieszka Sikora was the fastest woman over the same distance finishing in a large peloton one minute later. Marta Gogolewska finished as second woman in the same group while Barbara Ociepka took third.
Piotr Klin won the 16k time trial the day before. His average speed was 48.9km/h, almost a minute faster than Jan Szymanski and Miroslaw Wojciak. Fastest woman was Joanna Skutkiewicz in an average speed of just over 40km/h. Marta Gogolewska finished also there in second while Ewa Urbanska completed the overall female podium.
A total prize package of more than 400.000 Polish Zloty (93.000 EUR-112.000 USD) was given to riders in the different age groups. Poznan will also host the 2019 UCI Gran Fondo World Championships in two years on a different course.